Things You'll Need
- Color-enhancing fish food
- Astaxanthin or canthaxanthin
Feed your fish twice a day with the color-enhancing food. Take care not to put more in the tank than the fish will consume in a five-minute period. Any excess food will break down in the tank and start to cause ammonia and nitrite pollution.
Purchase pure astaxanthin or canthaxanthin from an online retailer or specialty food store if the color-enhancing food does not produce sufficient results. The packages range in size from 2 to 50 pounds. Two pounds will be more than enough for enhancing up to six siscus.
Add one teaspoon of pure astaxanthin or canthaxanthin to the tank per fish, per feeding. Continue this treatment for two weeks. If the coloration is enhanced to your liking continue the dosage in the same manner. If the color isn't strong enough, up the dose 1/2 teaspoon for two weeks. Continue this until your discus are blue with bright red stripes.