A Description of African Cichlids

African cichlids are a large and diverse group of fish that includes more than 1,300 different species. New kinds of cichlids are identified every year, so the actual number may be much greater. The cichlid family includes everything from aquarium favorites like angelfish to tilapia, a popular dinner option. Cichlids tend to be bright, colorful fish that live in freshwater. There are some species native to South America, but cichlids are mainly found in the great lakes of Africa.
  1. Sizes and Types

    • There are so many types of African cichlids that it is estimated less than half of cichlid species have been documented by scientists. African cichilds range in size from just under one inch to more than three feet long. The common feature that all cichlids share is a coming together of the pharyngeal bones that results in an additional pair of jaws. Cichlids in Africa include fish like tilapia, which are used for food, or oscars, which are sold as pets.

    Native Habitat

    • African cichlids are found in the three great lakes of Africa: Lake Victoria, Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika. The population in Lake Victoria has declined in the last 30 years due to non-native plant and fish introductions, and now cichlids are most abundant in Lake Malawi. More than 1,000 species are found in Lake Malawi alone, and they are considered to be the most colorful of any freshwater fish. Cichlids also exist in the the Nile River, which is home to the Nile tilapia.

    Cichlids as Pets

    • Many tropical fish sold to aquarium owners are African cichlids. Since freshwater aquariums are easier to maintain than saltwater ones, cichlids are a natural choice. From the numerous varieties of angel fish to the Aulonocara firefish to the electric blue ahli, tropical fish enthusiasts have many cichlids to choose from. They breed easily in captivity and tend to live long lives. They are so protective of their eggs that many cichlid species carry the eggs around in their mouths. Cichlids are an aggressive fish, so it's recommended to have at least 10 in an aquarium to prevent attacks.

    Food for the Masses

    • Freshwater fish are a staple food in much of Africa. Though there is money to be made selling cichlids as pets, the tilapia is an integral part of people's diets. Though not as colorful as its cousins, the tilapia made its way to the United States long ago, and now can be served in Chicago just as readily as it is in Uganda. Because cichlids are herbivores, they are easier and cheaper to farm than carnivores, thus increasing their popularity as food.