How to Feed a Yellow Angel

Saltwater angel fish come in many varieties and colors. Among them is holacanthus ciliaris, commonly known as the yellow angel fish, which can add a colorful display to any aquarium. The yellow angel fish, which can grow to 18 inches as an adult, can be aggressive toward other angel fish. They are hardy but can be difficult to feed. Providing your yellow angel fish with the proper diet will help ensure its longevity.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium
  • Yellow angel fish
  • Live rock
  • Angel food with sponge material
  • Spirulina formula
  • Dried marine algae
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      House your yellow angel fish in at least a 200-gallon aquarium. The water temperature should be maintained between 72 to 76 degrees F. Also, keep the pH level between 8.1 to 8.4 and the Carbonate Hardness (dKH) between 8 to 12 degrees.

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      Place live rock into the bottom of the aquarium. Live rock is rubble that has broken off a coral reef and has living organisms on it such as types of algae, crabs, marine worms, small crustaceans and bacteria. These are foods that yellow angel fish feed on in their natural environment. Put new live rock into the aquarium as needed.

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      Feed your yellow angel fish once in the morning and once in the evening. Provide spirulina formula and dried marine algae since angel fish eat sponges and marine algae in their natural habitat. You can also use angelfish food that includes sponge matter; it can be purchased at your local pet supply store.