- Neon tetras (6-8)
- Cardinal tetras (6-8)
- Rummy nose tetras (6-8)
- Green neon tetras (6-8)
- Zebra danios (6-8)
- Cherry barbs (6-8)
- Harlequin rasboras (6-8)
- Kuhli loaches (4-6)
- Otocinclus catfish (4-6)
- Amano shrimp (4-6)
When selecting tank mates for your betta fish, keep the following in mind:
- Choose fish that are peaceful and non-aggressive.
- Avoid fish that are too large or active, as they may stress the betta fish.
- Consider the water parameters and care requirements of the fish you choose, to ensure that they are compatible with the betta fish.
- Start with a small number of fish and gradually increase the population as needed.
It is important to monitor the behavior of the betta fish and its tank mates carefully, to ensure that everyone is getting along well. If you notice any signs of aggression or stress, you may need to adjust the tank setup or remove some of the fish.