Litoral Zone: Coastal vegetation with mangroves, coco palms, sea grapes, salt tolerant plant species as well as cactus
Lower Montane (or Subtropical and Mesothermal Life Zone): Forested zones between 600 – 3,000ft above sea level, including tropical forest such as the Elfin Woodland as well as montane rainforests like cloud forests on Dominica; also has fruit plantations of avocado pears; coffee; coconuts and bananas (at the lower reaches) where altitude and temperature provide optimal growing conditions while still being lower zones.
Lower and Montane Rainforests above 2000 ft above sea level: Rainforests in this zone experience more intense rainfall than subtropical forests. Tropical trees and flora in this zone experience cool to cold nights with the elevation above sea level as they have the highest rainfall (over 200 to 250 cm annually). Montane Rainforests in these high-altitude and cloud-forested tropical rainforests support plants and ecosystems like epiphytes while being the habitat for wildlife and bird species endemic to these regions.. In this zone in Jamaica where peak mountains surpass 7,382 at Blue Mountain Peak is the famous Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, considered amongst the finest worldwide for its rare flavour due to a specific type of fungi-like mould found only high altitudes of the range that imparts notes of spice and chocolate;
Paramo, Subalpine Montane (or Temperate Complex in Lesser Antilles): Zones that contain vegetation like conifers on mountainpeaks.