What countries do sharks live in?

Sharks inhabit every ocean on Earth, including coastal waters, the open sea, and the deep ocean. They can be found in both warm tropical waters and cold polar regions, though their distribution varies depending on the species. Sharks are most commonly found in shallow coastal waters, where they can feed on a variety of prey. Some species of sharks, such as the great white shark, are known to migrate long distances in search of food or warmer water. In general, sharks are more abundant in tropical and subtropical waters, where the water is warmer and there is a greater abundance of food. However, some species of sharks, such as the Greenland shark, can survive in extremely cold waters. The following are some of the countries with significant shark populations: - Australia - Brazil - Canada - China - Costa Rica - Ecuador - Egypt - Fiji - France - Indonesia - Japan - Mexico - New Zealand - Philippines - South Africa - Spain - United States