Tropical fish are adapted to live in the shady, underwater environments of their natural habitats, such as rivers and lakes. They receive most of their light from indirect sources, such as the reflection of sunlight off the water surface or from the glow of bioluminescent organisms.
Providing artificial lighting in an aquarium is essential to ensure proper lighting conditions for tropical fish. The light should be bright enough to allow them to see and navigate their surroundings, but not so intense that it causes stress or discomfort. A good rule of thumb is to provide lighting for around 10-12 hours a day, and to use a light source that mimics natural daylight.
It's important to note that different fish species may have different lighting requirements. Some fish, such as certain types of tetras and barbs, prefer brighter lighting, while others, such as catfish and loaches, prefer dimmer lighting. Do some research on the specific species you keep to determine the optimal lighting conditions for them.
By providing appropriate lighting, you can help create a healthy and comfortable environment for your tropical fish, allowing them to thrive and showcase their vibrant colors.