What countries are dolphins found in?

Dolphins are found in all oceans of the world, including the Arctic and Antarctic. They are most common in tropical and subtropical waters, but some species can be found in temperate and even cold waters. Dolphins are often found near coastlines, but some species, such as the oceanic dolphin, can be found far from land.

Here is a list of some of the countries where dolphins are found:

* Argentina

* Australia

* Brazil

* Canada

* Chile

* China

* Costa Rica

* Ecuador

* France

* Germany

* Greece

* India

* Indonesia

* Ireland

* Italy

* Japan

* Kenya

* Madagascar

* Malaysia

* Mexico

* Namibia

* New Zealand

* Norway

* Panama

* Peru

* Portugal

* Russia

* South Africa

* Spain

* Sweden

* Taiwan

* Thailand

* United Kingdom

* United States

* Uruguay

* Venezuela