1. Insects:
- Phascogales are insectivorous and rely heavily on insects for sustenance.
- They mainly target ground-dwelling insects like beetles, cockroaches, crickets, grasshoppers, ants, and termites.
- Some phascogale species, such as the red-tailed phascogale, show a preference for termites.
- They carefully probe the ground with their sensitive snouts to locate hidden prey.
2. Other Invertebrates:
- In addition to insects, phascogales may also consume other invertebrates, including spiders, scorpions, millipedes, and worms.
- Their opportunistic feeding behavior allows them to adapt to the availability of prey in their habitat.
3. Small Vertebrates:
- Occasionally, phascogales might prey on small vertebrates, such as lizards, frogs, and small mammals like mice.
- These vertebrates provide an additional source of protein when their primary insect prey is scarce.
4. Plant Material:
- While insects and invertebrates form the bulk of their diet, some phascogales supplement their diet with plant matter.
- They may consume fruits, seeds, and pollen to diversify their nutrient intake.
It's important to note that different phascogale species may exhibit slight variations in their diet preferences based on the specific habitats and prey availability in their regions.