- Salmon: Orcas are known for their preference for salmon, especially Chinook salmon. They often target salmon during their migration periods.
- Herring: Herring is another important fish in the orca's diet. Orcas may gather in large groups to hunt herring, using their echolocation abilities to locate the dense schools.
- Mackerel: Mackerel is a commonly consumed fish by orcas. They may hunt mackerel both in coastal waters and in the open ocean.
- Tuna: Some orca populations target tuna, such as bluefin tuna. They may hunt tuna in deeper waters.
- Halibut: Halibut is a flatfish that orcas sometimes prey upon. They may hunt halibut on the sea floor or in shallower waters.
- Cod: Cod is another type of fish that can be part of the orca's diet. They may hunt cod in various habitats, including shallow coastal waters and deeper offshore areas.
Orcas also consume other marine mammals, including seals, sea lions, and even smaller whales. Their diet can vary based on the specific pod or population, as well as their hunting preferences and prey availability.