Here are some of the types of whales that have been most affected by whaling:
1. Blue Whale: The blue whale is the largest animal on Earth, and they were once abundant in the world's oceans. However, they were heavily hunted during the 19th and 20th centuries, and their population was reduced to a fraction of its original size. Blue whales are classified as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
2. Fin Whale: Fin whales are the second-largest species of whales after blue whales. They were also heavily hunted during the same period as blue whales, and their population was also significantly reduced. Fin whales are classified as vulnerable by the IUCN.
3. Sei Whale: Sei whales are medium-sized whales that were once found in large numbers in the world's oceans. They were also heavily hunted, and their population was drastically reduced. Sei whales are classified as endangered by the IUCN.
4. Humpback Whale: Humpback whales were once hunted to the point of near-extinction. However, thanks to conservation efforts, their population has slowly started to recover. Humpback whales are now classified as vulnerable by the IUCN.
5. Northern Right Whale: Northern right whales are among the most endangered whale species in the world. They were intensively hunted for their oil, baleen, and meat, and their population was severely depleted. Today, only a small number of northern right whales remain, and they are classified as critically endangered by the IUCN.
These are just a few examples of whale types that have been impacted by whaling. Conservation efforts are being made to protect these species and help their populations recover, but the damage done by whaling has had a profound and lasting impact on whale populations around the world.