What type of fish do Beluga Whales eat?

Beluga whales are carnivores and their diet consists primarily of fish. They are opportunistic feeders and their prey varies depending on their location and the season.

Here are some examples of fish that beluga whales eat:

* Arctic cod - A primary food source for beluga whales, especially in the Arctic.

* Capelin - A small, oily fish that beluga whales often eat in large quantities.

* Salmon - Belugas consume salmon when they are available, particularly during their spawning season.

* Flounder - A flatfish that beluga whales find on the seabed.

* Haddock - Another type of fish that beluga whales are known to eat.

* Sculpin - A bottom-dwelling fish that belugas can find in their preferred habitats.

Besides fish, beluga whales may also eat:

* Squid

* Shrimp

* Crabs

* Other marine mammals (in some cases)

Their diet is essential for their survival and plays a crucial role in the overall health of the Arctic ecosystem.