Are there different types of pink dolphins?

While the term "pink dolphin" often refers to the Amazon River dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), there is technically no separate species or distinct type of "pink dolphin." The pink coloration in these dolphins is not a separate species trait but rather a variation within the species.

Here's a breakdown:

* Amazon River dolphin (Inia geoffrensis): This species is known for its pink coloration, which can range from light pink to almost red. The pinkness is caused by the lack of pigmentation in their skin, allowing blood vessels to show through. This coloration can vary depending on age, diet, and even mood.

* Other dolphin species: While Amazon River dolphins are the most well-known "pink" dolphins, other species like the Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis) can also have pink coloration, but it's less pronounced and often localized to certain body parts.

Therefore, "pink dolphin" is not a scientific classification, but a descriptive term that refers to individual dolphins of various species exhibiting a pink color.