Do harp seals go through metamorphism?

No, harp seals do not go through metamorphosis. Metamorphosis is a biological process where an organism undergoes a significant physical transformation, often involving a change in body structure and lifestyle.

Here's why harp seals don't fit the definition of metamorphosis:

* They don't have distinct larval stages: Harp seals are born as pups with a basic seal body plan that resembles the adult form. They don't undergo a significant change in form or lifestyle like insects or amphibians do.

* Their development is gradual: Harp seals grow and mature gradually throughout their lives, with no dramatic transformations.

* They maintain their basic seal characteristics: Throughout their development, harp seals maintain their basic seal characteristics – blubber, flippers, and a streamlined body – which are adapted for a marine environment.

While harp seals experience developmental changes, these changes are not as dramatic or sudden as those seen in organisms that undergo metamorphosis.