Genus *Delphinus*
* Common Dolphin
* Long-beaked Common Dolphin
Genus *Tursiops*
* Bottlenose Dolphin
* Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin
* Burrunan Dolphin
Genus *Stenella*
* Atlantic Spotted Dolphin
* Pantropical Spotted Dolphin
* Clymene Dolphin
* Striped Dolphin
* Spinner Dolphin
* White-beaked Dolphin
* Rough-toothed Dolphin
Genus *Steno*
* Rough-toothed Dolphin
Genus *Lagenodelphis*
* Fraser's Dolphin
Genus *Sotalia*
* Amazon River Dolphin (tucuxi)
* Coastal Dolphin
Genus *Lissodelphis*
* Northern Right Whale Dolphin
* Southern Right Whale Dolphin
Genus *Lagenorhynchus*
* White-sided Dolphin
* Pacific White-sided Dolphin
* Peale's Dolphin
* Dusky Dolphin
* Hourglass Dolphin
* Black-chinned Dolphin
* White-beaked Dolphin
* Commerson's Dolphin
Genus *Cephalorhynchus*
* Hector's Dolphin
* Heaviside's Dolphin
* Black-and-white Dolphin
* Chilean Dolphin
Genus *Grampus*
* Grampus
Genus *Globicephala*
* Long-finned Pilot Whale
* Short-finned Pilot Whale
Genus *Orcaella*
* Irrawaddy Dolphin
Genus *Pseudorca*
* False Killer Whale
Genus *Feresa*
* Pygmy Killer Whale
Genus *Phocoena*
* Harbour Porpoise
* Dall's Porpoise
* Vaquita
* Black Sea Porpoise
Genus *Phocoenoides*
* Dall's Porpoise
Genus *Platanista*
* Ganges River Dolphin
* Indus River Dolphin
Genus *Inia*
* Amazon River Dolphin (boto)
Genus *Lipotes*
* Baiji (Yangtze River Dolphin) - Extinct
Important Note:
* The baiji, also known as the Yangtze River Dolphin, is sadly extinct.
* The status of the Vaquita is critically endangered, and their numbers are rapidly declining.
* Conservation efforts are crucial to ensure the survival of all dolphin species.