How many different fruits are there in the world?

It's impossible to give an exact number for the number of different fruits in the world. Here's why:

* Defining "Fruit" is tricky: Botanically, a fruit is the mature ovary of a flowering plant, containing seeds. This definition includes things we wouldn't usually consider fruits, like tomatoes, cucumbers, and beans.

* Variety and Cultivars: There are countless varieties and cultivars of fruits. Apples, for example, have hundreds of different types.

* New Discoveries: New fruit species are still being discovered and cultivated.

However, we can estimate:

* Some sources suggest there are over 2,000 different types of fruits commonly eaten around the world.

* If we consider all botanical fruits, the number would be significantly higher, likely in the tens of thousands or more.

So, there's no definitive answer, but it's safe to say there are thousands upon thousands of fruits, with many more waiting to be discovered!