General Shape and Size:
* Round and Puffy: The most striking feature of a blowfish is its ability to inflate its body, becoming almost spherical.
* Varied Sizes: They come in various sizes, ranging from a few inches to several feet in length.
* Scales: They are covered in small, spiky scales that can be quite sharp.
* Skin: The skin can come in a variety of colors, from brown and grey to bright yellow and even orange. Some species have intricate patterns on their skin.
* Large, Rounded Head: The head is relatively large and rounded.
* Small Eyes: Their eyes are relatively small and located on the sides of the head.
* Tiny Mouth: The mouth is very small and located on the underside of the head.
* Small, Rounded Fins: They have small, rounded fins, including dorsal, pectoral, anal, and caudal (tail) fins.
The "Blow" Factor:
* Inflating: When threatened, they can gulp in water or air and inflate their bodies, making them appear much larger and intimidating.
* Spines: As they inflate, they also stick out spines, which can be poisonous.
Remember: Blowfish are highly poisonous due to the presence of tetrodotoxin. It's crucial to never touch them, handle them, or consume them.
To see a visual representation, you can easily find images of blowfish online by searching for "blowfish" on Google Images or other search engines.