Are there any endangered species of starfish?

Yes, there are several endangered species of starfish, and many more that are considered vulnerable or threatened.

Here are some examples:

* The Northern Red Sea Star (Echinaster sepositus): This beautiful starfish is found in the Mediterranean Sea and is critically endangered due to pollution, habitat loss, and overfishing.

* The Crown-of-Thorns Starfish (Acanthaster planci): This starfish is not endangered overall, but some populations are threatened by habitat loss and pollution. Notably, there are concerns about populations in the Great Barrier Reef.

* The Spiny Sea Star (Marthasterias glacialis): This starfish, found in the North Atlantic, is considered vulnerable due to habitat loss and overfishing.

* The Chocolate Chip Sea Star (Fromia monilis): This colorful starfish, found in the Indo-Pacific, is considered vulnerable due to habitat loss and pollution.

* The Sun Star (Solaster endeca): Found in the North Atlantic, this starfish is considered vulnerable due to habitat loss and overfishing.

The overall threat to starfish populations:

Many starfish species are facing challenges due to:

* Climate Change: Ocean acidification and warming waters can affect starfish reproduction and survival.

* Pollution: Runoff from land and ocean pollution can harm starfish and their ecosystems.

* Overfishing: Fishing practices, such as trawling, can damage starfish habitats and directly impact their populations.

* Disease: Outbreaks of disease can decimate local starfish populations.

* Habitat Loss: Development and coastal erosion can destroy important starfish habitats.

Important Note: It is crucial to remember that even species not considered "endangered" can be locally threatened or vulnerable in specific areas. It's important to support conservation efforts and minimize our impact on marine environments.