Fat Female Guppy:
* Overall shape: Might appear rounder and plumper, but the body shape is generally consistent.
* Belly: May be round, but it will be evenly rounded, not pointed or squared.
* Gravid Spot: Absent or very faint.
* Anal Fin: Normal in size and shape.
* Behavior: Generally active and playful.
Pregnant Guppy (Gravid):
* Overall Shape: More pronounced belly, especially towards the rear.
* Belly: Has a distinctly squared or rectangular shape, becoming more pronounced as pregnancy progresses.
* Gravid Spot: Dark spot on the belly, usually visible as a black patch.
* Anal Fin: May become pointed or swollen, especially as the birth approaches.
* Behavior: May become less active and more lethargic. She might also spend more time near the surface of the water.
Additional Tips:
* Size: Pregnant guppies will noticeably increase in size, especially in the belly region.
* Time: If you've recently introduced a male to your female guppy tank, it's more likely that she is pregnant.
* Observation: Observe your female guppy over a period of time. If you notice a significant change in her belly shape, it's a good indication that she's pregnant.
Remember: It's always best to err on the side of caution. If you think your guppy might be pregnant, it's a good idea to provide her with a safe place to give birth, like a breeding box. This will help to protect the fry and ensure their survival.