Here's a breakdown of compatible and incompatible fish for guppies:
Compatible Tank Mates:
* Other Peaceful Small Fish:
* Neon tetras
* Cardinal tetras
* Harlequin Rasboras
* Zebra danios
* Ghost shrimp
* Cherry shrimp
* African dwarf frogs
* Livebearers:
* Platyfish
* Swordtails
* Mollies
* Endlers Livebearers
* Black Skirt Tetras (though they can be a bit nippy)
Things to Consider:
* Size: Choose fish that are similar in size to guppies to avoid bullying or predation.
* Temperament: Stick to peaceful and non-aggressive fish. Avoid any known fin-nippers.
* Water Parameters: Ensure the tank mates have similar water parameter needs (temperature, pH, hardness).
* Diet: Guppies are omnivores. Make sure their tank mates have compatible dietary needs.
Incompatible Tank Mates:
* Aggressive Fish:
* Cichlids (most species)
* Bettas (males)
* Larger Barbs
* Loaches (some species)
* Fin-Nippers:
* Angelfish
* Gouramis (some species)
* Larger Tetras (e.g., Black Skirt Tetras)
* Predatory Fish:
* Large catfish
* Piranhas
Important Note: While these are general guidelines, individual fish personalities can vary. Always research specific species before introducing them to your guppy tank. It's also important to observe your fish carefully for any signs of aggression or stress.