What preys on a swordfish?

Swordfish are apex predators, meaning they are at the top of the food chain and have very few natural predators. However, there are a few animals that may prey on them, especially when they are young or vulnerable:

Large sharks: Great white sharks, mako sharks, and tiger sharks are known to prey on swordfish, especially larger individuals.

Other large fish: Large tuna, billfish, and even other swordfish may occasionally prey on smaller swordfish.

Marine mammals: Orcas (killer whales) are known to hunt and kill swordfish, but this is not a common occurrence.

It's important to note that these instances are relatively rare. Swordfish are strong and agile hunters with sharp swords for defense, making them formidable prey. They also inhabit deep waters, which limits the number of predators that can reach them.

Ultimately, swordfish are primarily threatened by overfishing and habitat destruction rather than natural predators.