What do sharks look like and what colour are they?

Sharks come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes, making it difficult to give a single description of what they look like. Here are some general characteristics:

* Torpedo-shaped body: Most sharks have a streamlined, torpedo-shaped body that helps them move efficiently through the water.

* Cartilaginous skeleton: Unlike bony fish, sharks have a skeleton made of cartilage.

* Five to seven gill slits: Sharks breathe through five to seven gill slits located on the sides of their head.

* Dorsal fins: Sharks have one or two dorsal fins, which help them stabilize their body.

* Caudal fin: Sharks have a large, crescent-shaped caudal fin (tail fin) that propels them through the water.

* Teeth: Sharks have rows of sharp teeth that are constantly replaced.


Sharks can be a variety of colors, including:

* Gray: This is the most common color for sharks.

* Blue: Some sharks, like the blue shark, have a bluish-gray color.

* White: Some sharks, like the whitetip reef shark, have a white underside.

* Brown: Some sharks, like the brownbanded bamboo shark, have a brown color.

* Black: Some sharks, like the blacktip reef shark, have black tips on their fins.

The color of a shark can vary depending on its species, habitat, and age. Some sharks also have patterns on their skin, such as spots, stripes, or blotches.

It's important to remember that there are over 500 species of sharks, and each one has its own unique appearance.