What types of fish do goldfish get along with?

Goldfish are generally peaceful fish, but they can be territorial and aggressive, especially towards smaller or slower fish. Here are some types of fish that generally get along well with goldfish:

Peaceful Community Fish:

* Tetras: Most tetras, like neon tetras, cardinal tetras, and black skirt tetras, are peaceful and lively additions to a goldfish tank.

* Danios: Zebras, giant danios, and pearl danios are hardy and active fish that can tolerate a wide range of temperatures.

* Rasboras: Harlequin, glowlight, and chili rasboras are small and peaceful fish that add vibrant colors to the tank.

* Platies: These livebearers are hardy and colorful, and they can tolerate a wide range of water conditions.

* Swordtails: Similar to platies, swordtails are peaceful and easy to care for.

* Guppies: These colorful livebearers are great for beginner aquarists and can coexist with goldfish.

Other Considerations:

* Size: It's important to choose fish that are similar in size to your goldfish. Larger fish may bully smaller ones, and smaller fish may be eaten by goldfish.

* Temperament: Some fish, like cichlids, can be aggressive towards other fish, even if they are larger. It's important to research the temperament of any fish you are considering adding to your tank.

* Water Conditions: Goldfish are generally tolerant of a wide range of water conditions, but some fish may require different water parameters.

* Diet: Goldfish are omnivores, but some fish may require different diets.

Important Notes:

* Never mix goldfish with tropical fish: Tropical fish require warmer water temperatures than goldfish.

* Always research before adding new fish: It's crucial to research the compatibility of any fish before adding them to your tank.

* Observe closely: Monitor the fish closely after adding new ones to ensure they are getting along. If there are any signs of aggression, you may need to separate the fish.

Remember, individual fish can have varying personalities, so it's always best to research thoroughly and observe carefully.