What types of fish eat pike?

Pike are apex predators in their ecosystem, meaning they are at the top of the food chain. They are ferocious hunters and are not often preyed upon. However, there are a few fish that can and do prey on pike:

* Larger pike: The largest pike in a lake will often eat smaller pike, especially juveniles.

* Muskellunge: These fish are closely related to pike and are even larger, making them capable of taking adult pike.

* Walleye: While not as large as pike, walleyes are known to prey on smaller pike, especially young ones.

* Northern pike: While generally not predators of their own kind, larger northern pike have been known to eat smaller ones in cases of extreme hunger or competition.

It's important to remember that:

* These interactions are not common occurrences.

* The size of the pike is a major factor. A large pike is very unlikely to be eaten by a smaller fish.

* The specific habitat and species present will also influence the likelihood of pike being preyed upon.

While pike are powerful predators, they are not invincible. They have a natural place in the food chain and are sometimes preyed upon by other large fish.