Peaceful Community Fish:
* Neon Tetras: Vibrant, peaceful schooling fish that are a great addition to any community tank.
* Cardinal Tetras: Similar to Neon Tetras but with a more reddish hue.
* Ghost Shrimp: Peaceful scavengers that help keep the tank clean.
* Cherry Shrimp: Colorful and peaceful, but may be snacked on by larger guppies.
* Corydoras Catfish: Bottom dwellers that help keep the tank clean and add interest.
* Harlequin Rasboras: Small, colorful fish that add movement to the tank.
* Platy: Livebearers similar to guppies, but with a wider range of colors and patterns.
* Swordtails: Livebearers with longer, flowing fins.
Considerations for Compatibility:
* Size: Choose fish that are similar in size to guppies to avoid bullying or being eaten.
* Temperament: Avoid aggressive or territorial fish like cichlids or some larger barbs.
* Water Parameters: Ensure all fish have compatible water parameters (temperature, pH, hardness).
* Diet: Guppies are omnivores, so choose fish that have similar dietary needs.
Important Tips:
* Start Small: When introducing new fish, start with just a few and observe their behavior before adding more.
* Quarantine: Always quarantine new fish for a period of time before adding them to your main tank to prevent the spread of disease.
* Research Thoroughly: Before introducing any new fish, research their specific needs and temperament to ensure compatibility with guppies.
Remember, every fish has its own personality, so even compatible species can sometimes have problems. Observe your fish carefully and be prepared to separate them if necessary.