* Peaceful: These fish are non-aggressive and suitable for community tanks with other peaceful species.
* Aggressive: These fish are known to be territorial or predatory and often require specific tank mates.
While some fish may be more temperamental than others, exhibiting occasional aggression or nipping, they are not typically labeled as "semi-aggressive."
If you're looking for fish that are slightly more assertive than peaceful but not fully aggressive, consider these options:
* Semi-territorial: These fish may defend their territory but are generally not aggressive towards other species.
* Schooling fish: These fish are usually peaceful in groups but can become aggressive towards individuals outside their school.
* Larger fish: Some large fish are not inherently aggressive but may be more prone to occasional nipping or chasing due to their size.
It's important to research specific fish species before adding them to your tank to understand their temperament and compatibility with other tank mates.