What fish do Chinese people eat?

It's impossible to give a definitive answer to what "Chinese people eat" because China is a vast country with diverse regional cuisines and dietary habits.

However, some common fish species consumed in China include:

Freshwater fish:

* Carp: (鲤鱼, Lǐyú) - A staple fish in many parts of China, often steamed or braised.

* Grass carp: (草鱼, Cǎoyú) - Popular for its mild flavor and versatility, often stir-fried or cooked in soup.

* Tilapia: (罗非鱼, Luófēiyú) - A relatively new addition to Chinese cuisine, but now widely consumed due to its affordability and mild flavor.

* Catfish: (鲶鱼, Niányú) - Often cooked in spicy dishes or stews.

* Crucian carp: (鲫鱼, Jìyú) - Known for its delicate flavor, often used in soups or stews.

Saltwater fish:

* Yellow croaker: (黄花鱼, Huánghuāyú) - A popular seafood, often steamed, braised, or fried.

* Sea bass: (鲈鱼, Lúyú) - A prized fish with a delicate flavor, often served whole or filleted.

* Grouper: (石斑鱼, Shíbānyú) - A high-value fish, often steamed or braised.

* Mackerel: (鲅鱼, Bàyú) - A common fish, often grilled or pan-fried.

* Shrimp: (虾, Xiā) - Widely consumed, both freshwater and saltwater varieties.

Other seafood:

* Crab: (螃蟹, Pángxiè) - Popular in various dishes, from stir-fries to soups.

* Clams: (蛤蜊, Gélí) - Often steamed or stir-fried.

* Oysters: (牡蛎, Mǔlì) - Typically eaten raw, steamed, or fried.

Regional Differences:

* Southern China: Prefers lighter, more delicate flavors, using fish in stir-fries, soups, and stews.

* Northern China: Often favors bolder flavors, using fish in spicy dishes, stews, and braised preparations.

* Coastal regions: Tend to consume a wider variety of seafood, including fresh catches of various fish, shellfish, and crustaceans.

It's important to remember that the specific types of fish eaten vary greatly depending on region, season, and personal preference.