What fish are easy to keep?

Here are some fish that are generally considered easy to keep for beginners:

For beginners:

* Goldfish: Hardy and tolerant of a range of water conditions, but need a large tank (at least 20 gallons for a single goldfish, more for multiple).

* Guppies: Vibrant and peaceful, but prone to breeding quickly.

* Platy: Similar to guppies in hardiness and breeding habits, but with a wider variety of colors.

* White Cloud Mountain Minnows: Small, peaceful, and can tolerate cooler water temperatures.

* Zebra Danios: Active and schooling fish, known for their bright stripes.

* Neon Tetras: Small, peaceful, and known for their bright neon colors.

* Corydoras Catfish: Bottom-dwelling scavengers that help keep tanks clean.

* Siamese Algae Eaters: Peaceful herbivores that can help control algae growth.

For those who want to step up a bit:

* Betta Fish: Beautiful and colorful, but need a tank with a heater and filter.

* Honey Gourami: Peaceful and hardy, but need a tank with a heater and filter.

* Swordtail: Active and colorful, but can be a bit more demanding in terms of water quality.

* Angelfish: Elegant and graceful, but need a larger tank (at least 10 gallons) and a heater and filter.

Things to consider before buying a fish:

* Tank size: Fish need adequate space to swim and thrive. Research the size of the tank needed for the fish you're considering.

* Water parameters: Different fish have different requirements for temperature, pH, and hardness.

* Diet: Some fish are carnivores, some are herbivores, and some are omnivores. Make sure you can provide a balanced diet for your fish.

* Temperament: Some fish are peaceful, while others are aggressive. Consider your tank mates and ensure they are compatible.

Always do your research before purchasing any fish to ensure you can provide the proper care and environment for them to thrive.