Is there a word to describe something fishy?

While "fishy" itself describes something suspicious or dubious, there are many other words to describe something that seems off or untrustworthy. Here are a few options, depending on the specific nuance you want to convey:

General Suspicion:

* Dubious: Raises doubts or suspicions.

* Suspicious: Makes you think something is wrong or dishonest.

* Questionable: Open to doubt or uncertainty.

* Shady: Dishonest or illegal.

* Dodgy: Unreliable or risky.

* Shifty: Looking or acting as if you are hiding something.

* Evasive: Avoiding giving direct answers.

More specific words:

* Deceptive: Intentionally misleading.

* Tricky: Designed to deceive or mislead.

* Underhanded: Dishonest or sneaky.

* Cunning: Skilled at deceiving others.

* Machiavellian: Cunning and unscrupulous, especially in politics.

Informal words:

* Phony: Fake or insincere.

* Bogus: Fake or not genuine.

* Crooked: Dishonest or corrupt.

The best word will depend on the specific situation and the level of formality you need.