What parasites are commonly found in salmon fish?

Salmon, like many other fish, can be hosts to various parasites. Some of the most common parasites found in salmon include:

Internal Parasites:

* Neoparamoeba perurans: This single-celled parasite causes salmonid ceratomycosis, a disease known as "salmon gill disease." It infects the gills, causing gill damage and ultimately leading to death.

* Ceratomyxa shasta: This parasitic protozoan causes ceratomyxosis, a disease that affects the liver and gall bladder of salmon. This parasite can cause significant economic losses in salmon farms.

* Myxobolus cerebralis: This parasite causes whirling disease in salmon, affecting the cartilage of the head, leading to deformities and behavioral changes.

* Kudoa spp.: These parasites infect the muscle tissue of salmon and can cause "milky flesh," which reduces the quality of the fish for consumption.

* Anisakis spp.: These roundworms are found in the muscle of salmon and can cause anisakiasis, a disease caused by ingesting the larvae.

* Didymozoid trematodes: These are parasitic flatworms that live in the bloodstream of salmon and can cause anemia.

* Cryptosporidium spp.: These protozoan parasites can cause cryptosporidiosis in salmon.

* Giardia spp.: These parasites can cause giardiasis in salmon.

External Parasites:

* Sea Lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus clemensi): These crustaceans feed on the skin and blood of salmon and can cause significant damage to the fish.

* Salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis): These crustaceans attach themselves to the skin and gills of salmon and can cause significant damage, leading to infection and death.

* Gyrodactylus spp.: These flatworms attach themselves to the gills of salmon and can cause gill damage.

* Ichthyophthirius multifiliis ("Ich"): This protozoan parasite infects the skin and gills of salmon and can cause white spots.

* Ergasilus spp.: These copepods are parasites that can attach themselves to the gills of salmon and cause gill damage.

Important Considerations:

* Parasites are common in wild and farmed salmon.

* Many of these parasites are harmless to humans.

* Some parasites, like Anisakis, can cause illness in humans if not properly cooked.

* The prevalence of parasites can vary depending on the geographic location and environmental conditions.

It's important to note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there are other parasites that can infect salmon. If you have concerns about parasites in salmon, consult with a veterinarian or other qualified professional.