What does a devil fish look like?

There is no fish officially called a "devil fish." It is likely you are thinking of one of these:

* Devil ray: Also known as manta rays, these gentle giants have wing-like fins that can reach up to 23 feet wide. They are characterized by their large, flat bodies, two horn-like cephalic fins, and a mouth located on their underside. Their coloration can range from black to dark gray, with some individuals having white spots.

* Common octopus: While not actually called a "devil fish," they are sometimes referred to as "devilfish" due to their eight arms, often depicted as menacing in popular culture. Octopuses are highly intelligent cephalopods with soft, boneless bodies and excellent camouflage abilities. They can change color and texture to blend into their surroundings.

It's important to note that the term "devil fish" is not a scientific name and is rarely used by marine biologists.

If you can provide more details about the fish you are thinking of, like its size, shape, or habitat, I might be able to help you identify it more accurately.