What is the name of fish with no scales?

There isn't a single type of fish that has absolutely no scales. All fish have some form of scales, even if they're very small or embedded in the skin.

However, some fish have scales that are very difficult to see or feel with the naked eye. These fish are often described as being "scaleless," but that's not technically accurate.

Here are some examples of fish that are often referred to as "scaleless":

* Catfish: They have tiny, embedded scales that are hard to see.

* Eels: They have scales that are so small and smooth they feel like skin.

* Electric eels: Similar to other eels, they have very small, embedded scales.

* Hagfish: These are primitive fish that lack true scales. Their skin is covered in mucus.

If you're looking for a specific fish that is often referred to as "scaleless," you'll need to provide more context!