What do baby swordfish look like?

Baby swordfish, also called swordfish larvae, look quite different from their adult counterparts. They are tiny, transparent creatures with a long, thin, straight sword that is proportionally much larger than the sword of an adult.

Here are some key characteristics:

* Size: They are only a few inches long.

* Color: They are mostly transparent, with some pigmentation around the eyes and mouth.

* Sword: The sword is long and straight, with a blunt tip. It is used for hunting small prey.

* Body: The body is elongated and slender, with a small head and a large, rounded tail.

* Fins: They have small, delicate fins.

* Eyes: Their eyes are large and prominent, helping them to see in the dimly lit depths of the ocean.

As they grow, their bodies become darker, more muscular, and the sword develops its characteristic curve.

Here's an analogy: Imagine a tiny, transparent fish with a long, thin needle sticking out of its head. That's basically what a baby swordfish looks like!