What types of fish do great white sharks usually eat?

Great white sharks are apex predators, meaning they sit at the top of the food chain. They have a diverse diet, but here are some of their most common prey:

Marine Mammals:

* Seals: These are a primary food source for great whites, especially young seals. They often ambush seals from the shore or while they are swimming near the surface.

* Sea lions: Similar to seals, sea lions are also a common prey item.

* Whales: While not their primary food, great whites have been known to attack and consume calves or injured whales.

* Dolphins: Great whites have also been known to prey on dolphins.

Other Fish:

* Fish: Great whites will also consume a variety of fish, including tuna, sharks, rays, and even smaller fish.

* Seabirds: Occasionally, great whites will eat seabirds, especially if they are injured or struggling to fly.


Great whites are opportunistic feeders and will also scavenge on carcasses of dead animals, including whales, dolphins, and other large marine animals.

Important to note: While great white sharks have a diverse diet, they are not known to attack humans often. Most attacks are believed to be cases of mistaken identity, as the shark may mistake a human for a seal or other prey.