What kind of fish koi get along with?

Koi are generally peaceful fish, but their size and active nature can sometimes cause issues with tank mates. Here are some fish that koi typically get along with:

Good Tank Mates:

* Other Koi: This is the best choice for keeping koi happy and healthy. They thrive in a group and have a natural social hierarchy.

* Goldfish: Many goldfish species, especially the larger ones like comets and shubunkins, can be good tank mates for koi. However, make sure you choose goldfish that are roughly the same size as your koi.

* Larger Minnows: Some larger minnows, such as rosy red minnows or white cloud mountain minnows, can cohabitate with koi, as long as they have plenty of hiding places and the koi are not overly aggressive.

* Catfish: Some peaceful catfish species, like plecos and Corydoras, can be good additions to a koi pond. They help keep the bottom clean and don't pose a threat to the koi.

Possible Issues:

* Smaller Fish: While koi are generally peaceful, they can be prone to accidentally swallowing smaller fish, so avoid keeping them with very small species.

* Aggressive Fish: Avoid keeping koi with aggressive fish, such as cichlids or some types of bass, as they may be bullied or injured.

* Slow-moving Fish: Koi are fast and active swimmers, so avoid keeping them with slower-moving fish, like angelfish or discus, which may be overwhelmed.

Important Considerations:

* Tank Size: Koi require a large tank or pond. The bigger, the better.

* Water Quality: Maintaining good water quality is crucial for all fish, but especially important for koi, as they are more susceptible to diseases.

* Diet: Koi are omnivores and need a varied diet. They can be fed commercially available koi food, but also enjoy occasional treats like vegetables and insects.

Always research specific species before adding them to your koi pond or tank to ensure compatibility and avoid potential conflicts.