What are the noticeable of body features fish?

Here are some noticeable body features of fish, broken down by category:

General Features:

* Streamlined shape: This helps them move efficiently through water.

* Scales: Most fish have scales, which provide protection and help with movement.

* Fins: These are used for movement, balance, and maneuvering.

* Gills: These are specialized organs that extract oxygen from the water.

* Lateral line: A sensory organ that detects vibrations and pressure changes in the water.

Specific Features:

* Mouth: The shape and position of the mouth can vary depending on the fish's diet.

* Teeth: Teeth are used to capture and process food, and can vary greatly in size and shape.

* Eyes: Fish have excellent vision, particularly for detecting movement.

* Coloration: Fish use coloration for camouflage, signaling, and attracting mates.

* Body Shape: Fish have many body shapes, each adapted to their environment and lifestyle. For example, flatfish lie on the seabed, while tuna are streamlined for speed.

Examples of noticeable features:

* Shark: Cartilaginous skeleton, sharp teeth, dorsal fin, gills on the sides of the head

* Clownfish: Striking orange and white coloration, live in anemones

* Anglerfish: Luminous lure used to attract prey, large mouth

* Seahorse: Horse-like head, prehensile tail, vertical posture

* Goldfish: Single dorsal fin, large scales, varied colors

Important Note: There is incredible diversity among fish species, so these are just some general examples. You can find a wide range of noticeable features depending on the specific fish you are looking at.