What fishes can you put with zebrafish?

It's great you're thinking about tank mates for your zebrafish! They can be a lot of fun to watch, but you'll need to be careful about who you introduce. Zebrafish are relatively peaceful and can cohabitate with a variety of other peaceful fish, but some pairings are much better than others.

Here's a breakdown of good, maybe, and bad tank mates:

Good Tank Mates:

* Other peaceful, small fish:

* Neon Tetras, Harlequin Rasboras, Glowlight Tetras: These colorful fish are similar in size and temperament to zebrafish.

* Danios: Like zebrafish, they are active and energetic.

* Ghost Shrimp: These are peaceful and help clean the tank.

* Snail species: Snails are great scavengers and can help keep the tank clean.

* Smaller, non-aggressive catfish:

* Corydoras Catfish: These bottom dwellers are peaceful and can be great tank mates.

* Otocinclus Catfish: These tiny algae eaters are helpful for keeping the tank clean.

Maybe Tank Mates:

* Larger fish: These can be riskier as some larger fish may see zebrafish as a snack.

* Guppies: Only if they are small and non-aggressive.

* Platy, Swordtails, Mollies: Be careful as these can be aggressive depending on the individual fish.

* Loaches: Some loaches can be aggressive, but some are peaceful and make good tank mates.

Bad Tank Mates:

* Aggressive fish:

* Cichlids, Bettas, Gouramis: These fish are known to be territorial and could injure or kill zebrafish.

* Larger, predatory fish:

* Barbs, Angelfish: Larger species can see zebrafish as food.

Important Considerations:

* Tank Size: A bigger tank is always better to allow for more space and reduce stress.

* Temperament: Some fish, even within the same species, can have different personalities.

* Water Parameters: Make sure all fish have the same water parameters for optimal health.

* Introduce Slowly: Always introduce new fish slowly to a tank to minimize stress and potential aggression.

Research is key! Before adding any new fish to your tank, research their specific needs and temperament. Look for resources on the internet or consult with a local pet store expert.

Remember, a well-planned tank is a healthy tank for your zebrafish!