Which is an ancestor of terrestrial tetrapod vertebrates whale shark hagfish coelacanth or actinopterygian fish?

The answer is actinopterygian fish. Here's why:

* Actinopterygian fish are a diverse group of ray-finned fish. They are the most successful group of vertebrates on Earth, representing over half of all vertebrate species. They are the ancestors of all tetrapods (four-limbed vertebrates).

* Terrestrial tetrapods evolved from lobe-finned fish, which are related to actinopterygians but not their direct ancestors.

* Whale sharks, hagfish, and coelacanths are all fish, but they belong to different lineages and are not directly ancestral to tetrapods.

Here's a simplified evolutionary tree to help visualize this:



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| Actinopterygians | |

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| | Lobe-finned fish |

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| | Tetrapods (Amphibians, Reptiles, |

| | Birds, Mammals) |

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| | Coelacanth |

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| | Whale Sharks |

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| | Hagfish |

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