What type of fish starts with the letter L?

There are many fish that start with the letter L! Here are a few examples:

* Labyrinth Fish: These are a group of fish that includes Bettas, Gouramis, and others. They are known for their beautiful colors and unique labyrinth organ which allows them to breathe air.

* Lamprey: These eel-like fish are parasitic and have a sucker-like mouth.

* Leafy Seadragon: These fish are closely related to seahorses and have a unique, leafy appearance.

* Lionfish: These fish are known for their venomous spines and striking appearance.

* Loach: This is a large family of fish with many different species. They are often bottom-dwelling and have long, slender bodies.

* Lungfish: These fish can breathe air through their lungs and are found in Africa, South America, and Australia.

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