What kind of fish is compatible with kissing fish?

It's important to be clear that there is no fish species called "kissing fish." This term is often used to refer to "kissing gouramis" or "dwarf kissing gouramis" (scientific name *Helostoma temminckii*).

While they're known for their "kissing" behavior (which is actually a territorial display), these fish are not truly compatible with many other species. Here's why:

* Aggressive nature: Kissing gouramis can be quite aggressive, especially towards fish of similar size and shape. This makes it difficult to keep them with other fish.

* Specific needs: They prefer warm, well-planted tanks with hiding places. Not all fish species can tolerate these conditions.

* Fin nipping: While not as aggressive as some other gourami species, kissing gouramis can still nip fins.

Here are some compatible tank mates:

* Peaceful, larger fish: Species like plecos, African cichlids, and larger catfish are often less likely to be bothered by the gouramis.

* Smaller, schooling fish: Tetras, danios, and rasboras can be fine in a larger tank, but keep an eye out for fin nipping.

* Snails and shrimp: These are generally safe tank mates, but make sure to choose species that can handle the gourami's temperament.

Things to avoid:

* Smaller, slow-moving fish: Gouramis will likely see these as easy targets.

* Similar-looking fish: Kissing gouramis may become territorial with fish that look like them.

* Fish with delicate fins: Gouramis may nip at their fins.

Key points:

* Tank size: A larger tank with plenty of hiding places is important for a multi-species tank with kissing gouramis.

* Observe closely: Always monitor your fish for any signs of aggression or stress.

* Research thoroughly: Before adding any new fish, research their compatibility with your existing species.

Remember, the compatibility of fish can vary depending on individual personalities and tank conditions. It's important to research and observe your fish carefully to ensure a healthy and harmonious environment.