* Elongated body: Remoras have a long, torpedo-shaped body, typically around 1-3 feet long depending on the species.
* Dorsal fin: They have a single dorsal fin that sits on top of their head, close to the front of their body. This fin can be quite large and has a distinctive "sail-like" appearance.
* Sucking disk: The most distinctive feature of remoras is their large, oval-shaped sucking disk located on top of their head. This disk is covered with tiny spines that help them grip onto their host.
* Color: Remoras are generally dark gray or brown, with some species having lighter stripes or spots.
Here are some other types of fish that are sometimes referred to as "sucker fish":
* Loricariidae: This family of fish, commonly called "plecos", have mouths adapted for scraping algae off surfaces. They also have a suction-like mouth that helps them hold onto rocks and other objects. They are often much smaller than remoras and are typically found in freshwater aquariums.
* Gobies: Some species of gobies have a specialized pelvic fin that acts like a suction cup, allowing them to cling to rocks and corals.
So, while the term "sucker fish" isn't very specific, it generally refers to fish that use suction to attach themselves to surfaces or other animals.