What are the types of dolphin?

There are over 40 species of dolphins, and they are divided into two main families:

Oceanic dolphins (Family Delphinidae):

* Common dolphins: These are some of the most common and widely distributed dolphins, with two main species: the common dolphin and the long-beaked common dolphin.

* Bottlenose dolphins: The most well-known dolphin species, with a distinctive bottle-shaped snout.

* Risso's dolphins: These dolphins have a distinctive mottled grey color and a bulbous head.

* Spinner dolphins: They are known for their acrobatic leaps and spins.

* Spotted dolphins: These dolphins have spots all over their bodies, with two species: the Atlantic spotted dolphin and the Pantropical spotted dolphin.

* White-beaked dolphins: These dolphins have a white beak and a distinctive curved dorsal fin.

* Rough-toothed dolphins: These dolphins have teeth that are rough and serrated.

* Fraser's dolphins: These dolphins have a long, slender beak and a distinctive white stripe running along their flanks.

* Atlantic white-sided dolphins: These dolphins have a white stripe running along their sides and a distinctive black patch around their eyes.

* Pygmy killer whales: These dolphins are smaller than other killer whales and have a black and white coloration.

* False killer whales: These dolphins are larger than other oceanic dolphins and have a similar coloration to killer whales.

* Killer whales: Though often called "killer whales," these are actually the largest members of the oceanic dolphin family.

River dolphins (Family Platanistidae, Iniidae, Pontoporiidae):

* Amazon river dolphin: These dolphins have a long, slender beak and a pink or grey coloration.

* Ganges river dolphin: These dolphins are blind and have a distinctive long, narrow beak.

* Indus river dolphin: These dolphins are also blind and have a similar beak to the Ganges river dolphin.

* La Plata dolphin: These dolphins have a short, blunt snout and a grey coloration.

This is just a small selection of the many dolphin species. There are many others, each with their own unique characteristics and adaptations.