What are the 7 classifications of a pink dolphin?

There are no "classifications" of a pink dolphin in the sense of separate species or subspecies. The term "pink dolphin" generally refers to the Amazon River dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), which is a species of freshwater dolphin found in the Amazon and Orinoco river systems in South America.

Here's why there are no 7 classifications:

* One Species: There is only one species of Amazon River dolphin, Inia geoffrensis.

* Color Variation: The pink coloration is not a defining characteristic for a separate classification. It is a variation in pigmentation within the species, influenced by factors like age, diet, and blood flow.

* No Subspecies: While there are different populations of Amazon River dolphins, these populations are not considered distinct enough to be classified as subspecies.

Therefore, there is no need to speak of "classifications" of a pink dolphin. It is simply a color variation within the single species, Inia geoffrensis.