The Different Kinds of Corydoras Catfish

Fish in the Corydoras genus are classed as armored catfish as they possess substantial plates which cover their body. Some 180 species of corydoras catfish have been described, but there are far more similarities between among fishes than differences. All corydoras are found in South America and are small catfish, typically being less than 7 inches in length. Corydoras catfish are all peaceful catfish, which require very similar water conditions. What differences there are between the many species are mainly color related.
  1. Color Differences

    • Despite the many species of corydoras, all of these catfish tend to have white, silver or brown background coloration. The pink corydoras possesses a white background with speckled markings. Panda corydoras have black facial markings over a white body color, and their fins are tan in color. The adolfoi corydoras is very similar to the panda in that it too has dark facial marking. The skunk corydoras has a white to silvery body with dark markings. In this fish, the black markings run along the top of the back. The bronze corydoras, which is dark brown in color, is also found in an albino color.

    Social Natures

    • Corydoras catfish are not territorial and feel most comfortable in the presence of others of their kind. Although these little catfish are typically peaceful, the aquarist must supply sufficient hiding and resting areas for each individual fish. All of the more commonly kept corydoras catfish, such as the standard and albino color forms of the bronze corydoras species, are particularly peaceful, as are the spotted and peppered corydoras. Corydoras should always be housed in small groups in the aquarium. As these catfish are so peaceful, groups can be made up of different species as well.

    Size Differences

    • Corydoras are all small catfish, typically between 1 and 7 inches in length. Most are smaller than 4 inches in length, with the dwarf types being smaller than 2 inches in length. The tiny salt and pepper catfish reaches a maximum adult length of 1.4 inches, and the pygmy corydoras is even smaller at 1.2 inches in length.

    Water Parameters and Nocturnal Activity

    • The many species of corydoras catfish are all very similar in behavior and physical appearance, and all tend to tolerate a range of water parameters. Corydoras prefer well-oxygenated water, but the members in this interesting family have the ability to gulp atmospheric oxygen from the water surface. As a family of fishes, corydoras tend to be most active at night. The many different species of corydoras catfish rest on broad-leaved aquatic vegetation or on driftwood during the day.