How to Care for Albino Cory Cats

The Albino cory cat is a type of freshwater catfish. The small white or pink fish grow to between 2 and 2.5 inches in length and have the characteristic whisker-like barbels near the mouth. Albino corys are omnivorous in nature, eating both plants and animals. They are not particularly aggressive and adapt to their environments easily. Caring for the fish is easy in a home aquarium setting.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium
  • Sand
  • Rocks or coral
  • Plants
  • Fish food
  • Brine shrimp
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      Place sand or soft gravel in a glass fish tank. The barbels near an Albino cory cat's mouth are fragile and can break easily. Larger, rough gravels may cause the fish injury.

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      Fill a glass aquarium with fresh water to a minimum of 30 gallons in order to house multiple fish. Albino cory cats enjoy each others' company and thrive in small groups of six or more. Ensure that the aquarium's heating system is set to between 72 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Populate the tank with coral, plants or rocks behind which the Albino corys can hide. This breed of fish tolerates low light more than sharp brightness; the structures give the fish a needed break from the strong light.

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      Feed Albino corys a commercial fish food each day in either flake or pellet form. The fish can be considered greedy and will eat every drop off of the bottom of the tank, so a moderate pinch is fine. Blood worms or frozen brine shrimp are another preferred food of the Albino cory, but should be the occasional treat, not an everyday staple.