What Are the Traits of a Catfish?

At least 2,584 species of catfish are found all over the world, according to the Aquatic Living Resources Journal, all of which are varied in size, habitat and behavior. Most have signature physical traits, such as barbels and spines. Most species of catfish are non-aggressive, and a few smaller species can live in freshwater aquariums.
  1. Physical Characteristics

    • The varieties of catfish range from small bottom-feeders to larger, more predatory species. Most catfish have one to four whiskers near the mouth, known as barbels. which have tiny taste buds attached to them that help the catfish gather food. Catfish feed using a suction and gulping method made possible by their large mouths. Their teeth are small and are used primarily to contain prey, not for chewing.The spines of some species of catfish emit poison to stun enemies.

    Natural Habitat

    • More varieties of catfish are found in freshwater habitats, yet some species are able to adapt in the ocean. Their freshwater habitats are wide-ranging, from shallow rivers and lakes to underwater caves all over the world, especially in South America, Austrailia and Madagascar, according to the Aquatic Living Resources Journal.

    Behavioral Characteristics

    • In their natural habitat, catfish generally are more defensive against prey than predatory. Some species have sharp spines that lock into place and keep predators at bay. Other species may form schools with other fish as a manner of defense. Although they can form schools, most species of catfish are asocial compared to similar schooling fishes, and they gather food independently. The few species of catfish that do hunt for prey do so under the cover of darkness, stalking them closely before finally sinking their teeth into the prey.

    Aquarium Care

    • Smaller species of catfish also can inhabit home freshwater aquariums with little problem. Although these bottom-feeders will scavenge and feed from the wastes left behind by other fish in the aquarium, catfish also must be fed by the owner with flake or pellet foods.