How to Keep Brackish Water Spotted Puffers

The spotted puffer fish, also known as the green spotted puffer, is a fish that requires some salt in the aquarium water. This slightly salty water is known as brackish water. As their name suggests, these fish can puff themselves up when they feel threatened. This puffing also causes the spines along their bodies to stick out, making them unappetizing to predators. These fish can grow to almost seven inches long and can live for as many as ten years when properly cared for.

Things You'll Need

  • Large aquarium
  • Aquarium decorations
  • Aquarium salt
  • Filtration system
  • Thermometer
  • Water testing kit
  • Various puffer foods
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      Provide a large aquarium for your spotted puffers. Young puffers can be started in an aquarium of 20 to 30 gallons, but adult puffers will need an aquarium of at least 60 gallons. Spotted puffers can be aggressive towards other fish. Although they will get along with some larger fish, it's usually best to keep them in a tank with only other puffer fish in it.

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      Add aquarium decorations, such as rocks or logs, to the aquarium. Fake or real aquarium plants should also be added. These decorations provide hiding places for your puffers. Don't overcrowd the aquarium, however, as your spotted puffers need room to swim freely.

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      Add a small amount of aquarium salt to your aquarium to create the brackish water. The salinity level depends on the age of your puffers. Adult puffers often live in saltwater, while juveniles prefer brackish water. Young puffers need a salinity between 1.005 and 1.008. Adults prefer a salinity level between 1.019 and 1.022.

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      Install a strong filtration system in your aquarium. Spotted puffer fish create more waste than many other fish because they often leave parts of their food uneaten. Select a filtration system that is designed for whatever size aquarium you have.

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      Install a water thermometer. Spotted puffers do best in a aquarium with a water temperature between 75 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit.

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      Test the pH levels of your aquarium water with a water testing kit. The correct pH level for spotted puffers is between 7.5 and 8.5, although they do best in water with a pH of 8. You can add crushed coral or other water additives to the aquarium to increase pH levels.

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      Perform large partial water changes often. These water changes, where between 30 and 50 percent of the dirty aquarium water is removed and replaced with clean water, can be done weekly or whenever you notice that your aquarium is getting dirty.

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      Feed your puffer fish a varied diet high in protein. Give your puffers an omnivorous flake fish food. Follow the directions on the food to feed the correct amount. Supplement this food with live or frozen insects, such as bloodworms as well as shrimp and small snails. These crunchy foods, like the snails, are especially important. Spotted puffers have teeth that continuously grow. Hard foods wear the teeth down, preventing them from inhibiting the puffer's feeding.