How to Take Care of Platy and How to Know If They Are Female or Male

The platy is a small, freshwater fish native to Guatemala, Honduras and Southern Mexico. These fish prefer slightly alkaline conditions and a temperature in the range of 68 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Male platies are smaller than females and possess a modified anal or ventral fin, called a gonopodium. This fin is thin and pointed and is used to deposit milt or sperm into the female. Female platies give birth to live fry, or young. Platies are social fish and are suitable for a community aquarium. The platy forages for worms, tiny crustaceans, and plant matter under natural conditions, but will readily accept a commercial flake food in the aquarium.

Things You'll Need

  • 30-gallon aquarium
  • Hang-on filter
  • Filter floss
  • Activated carbon
  • Bio balls
  • Aquarium heater
  • Chlorine remover
  • Plastic rod
  • Driftwood
  • Java moss
  • Aquatic plants
  • Commercial flake food
  • Daphnia
  • Tubifex worms
  • Breeding trap
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    • 1

      Place a 30-gallon aquarium on a solid and level stand. Choose a draft-free corner in the room, and position the aquarium away from windows, because direct sunlight will contribute to excessive algae growth.

    • 2

      Open the lid of the hang-on filter.

    • 3

      Place the bio balls, the active carbon, and the filter floss into the filter box. Close the lid of the filter and hang it on the rim of the aquarium. Rinse the filter floss weekly, and replace the active carbon once a month.

    • 4

      Set the heater's thermostat to 75 F, and position the heater in the aquarium. Use the adhesive suction cups to hold the heater firmly in place.

    • 5

      Fill the aquarium with tap water.

    • 6

      Add chlorine remover to the aquarium, and stir the water with a plastic rod.

    • 7

      Plug the aquarium heater and filter plugs into a wall power source, and turn on both pieces of equipment.

    • 8

      Leave the water to circulate and heat for 24 hours.

    • 9

      Place an attractive piece of driftwood and a handful of Java moss into the aquarium.

    • 10

      Place a number of aquatic plants into the aquarium. Arrange the plants so there are both open space and densely planted areas in which the fish can shelter.

    • 11

      Place a number of platies into the aquarium. Include more female than male fish.

    • 12

      Feed the platies a quality commercial flake food. Supplement this staple diet with live food, such as daphnia and tubifex worms, which must be rinsed thoroughly.

      Feed the platies live food once a week.

    • 13

      Observe the females and remove pregnant fish to a breeding trap. Pregnant platies fill out with eggs and develop a dark area around the anal or ventral fin.