How to Mix Cichlids With Other Fish

There are two categories of cichlids within the fish-keeping hobby. African lake cichlids are aggressive, require very precise water conditions and generally tolerate only their own kind. The more commonly available New World cichlid species such as angel fish, discus and firemouths are less likely to fight fish of a similar or larger size. They integrate satisfactorily into a suitable mixed-species tank. Fish-keeping experts say that cichlids from Lake Malawi, Lake Victoria and Lake Tanganyika should not be mixed, and although some experienced aquarists claim to successfully keep mixed-lake tanks, they do not recommend the practice to beginners.


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      Research cichlids before you make a purchase. The Internet is a great place to learn about the different species available, and you can look at photographs of experts' tanks to see what works and pick up ideas for your own tank setup.

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      Buy a book dedicated to cichlids. A comprehensive book on the subject is invaluable to gain a broader knowledge and learn more about water requirements, feeding and problem solving.

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      Write down the species of cichlids you would like to mix together in a tank. Research their individual requirements, make sure all fish are compatible and have the same pH and temperature needs.

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      Enter your ideal tank mates into an online virtual fish tank creator before you make a final decision. Pick your fish from a database and put them into your virtual tank to see if they are compatible. If you try to house unsuitable tank mates, the program warns you and makes suggestions to put things right.

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      Purchase your cichlids and monitor their behavior within your community aquarium for signs of bullying. If you have done your research and chosen appropriate specimens, everything should be fine. Be aware that even peaceful cichlids become extremely territorial and aggressive during spawning, so you may wish to move them to a separate spawning tank for breeding.