How to Tell Different Types of Hermit Crabs

Hermit crabs have a small, soft abdomen and take up residence in the previously discarded shells of other molluscs. Hermit crabs are found both in the marine environment and on land. Their range is sometimes far from the sea, as in the case of the Indonesian hermit crab that is found in grassy areas and rain forests. Hermit crabs discard and replace their protective shell as they grow, so shell shape or color can not be used to identify these animals.


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      Look at the size of the large pincher. The Indonesian crab has a bulbous and huge large pincher when compared to other species of hermit crabs. This land crab is found on the Tumour Islands and from Zanzibar to Tahiti. If you are in the Indonesian hermit crab's natural habitat, you will seldom find this creature near the shore, as it prefers the rain forest environment.

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      Examine the eyes carefully. The corneas of cavipes are only faintly dilated. The cavipes hermit crab lives in mangrove swamps in India, Malaysia, Polynesia, Eastern Africa, Taiwan, China and Japan. The eyes of the Indonesian hermit crab, by comparison, are round and black.

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      Observe the color of the claws. The Caribbean hermit or tree crab has an immediately evident rich red or purple large pincher. This hermit crab, also referred to as the soldier or purple pincher, is found in the Caribbean, Florida, the Bermuda Islands, and Venezuela. The Caribbean hermit crab has tufts of hair on its claws which are used to carry water to its mouth parts.

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      Look at size and notice the speed with which the hermit crab moves. The Pacific or Ecuadorian hermit crab is particularly small and moves faster than other hermit crab types. Adult Pacific hermit crabs are less than 0.5-inches in length.

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      Examine the body color of the hermit crab. The strawberry hermit crab has a distinctive red body color, interspersed with tiny white dots. This very attractive hermit crab is found in Australia.

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      Listen to any vocalizations made by the hermit crab. The rugosus hermit crab emits a chirping sound, reminiscent of a bird. This is a threat vocalization and you will hear it if you approach the crab too closely, or attempt to pick it up.